Quality Assurance: Planning a Radon Measurement Survey

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Quality assurance in planning a radon measurement survey using PDCA cycle approach: what improvements?

Giuseppe La Verde 1,2,*, Vincenzo Roca 1,2, and Mariagabriella Pugliese 1,2

1 Department of Physics “E. Pancini”, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy

2 National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Section of Naples, Naples, Italy

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This work is focused on effectiveness of adopting the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle model, also known as Deming cycle, for an analytical laboratory management. It is not uncommon for university laboratories, unlike those of private companies, to register problems and losses in the management of materials, supplies and quality of service, especially externally. The PDCA cycle is closely associated with the planning, implementation, control and continuous improvement of the processes. In this context, the Deming cycle method finds a simple and informal application in order to make small modifications and improvements to the entire Radon gas activity concentrations measurement procedure. Attention is paid to most important topics as management of equipment and materials, record maintenance, sample analysis and risk communication. The results recorded were positive in terms of material savings, job optimization, quality of results and organization of internal processes.


Validated by: NMISA

This article is validated for 0.1 CPD credits in category 1.

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