Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Industry

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EDWILO CONSULT Wilna Roberts 083 659 0657


Business activity related noise in industry is as old as industry itself.  Many activities taking place in industry cannot be performed without causing high levels noise.   Another aspect that is as old as industry, is the fact that employees loose hearing acuity due to the noise they are being exposed to in the workplace.  This loss of hearing acuity, with all its psychological, economical and business implications, can easily be prevented, and it is the responsibility of management as well as the workforce to ensure that hearing loss, due to tasks performed and the work environment these tasks are performed in, does not happen.

Legislation makes the employer and the employee responsible to ensure that employees do not suffer hearing acuity loss due to exposure to noise in the workplace.  This program needs to be formalized, implemented and maintained on all sites where there are sources of noise to a level above 85dB and where employees are exposed to this noise as part of their duties. 



Employees should be conversant with the following after this session has been completed:

1. Legislation regarding noise in industry

2. What is noise

3. Sources of noise

4. How the human ear works

5. How noise impact on the hearing acuity of employees

6. Noise induced hearing loss

7. The noise survey

8. Precautions taken by the employer in order to minimise risk of hearing loss

9. Causes of hearing loss other than industrial noise

10. Personal hearing protectors

11. Hearing acuity testing

12. The hearing conservation programme


This article is validated in Category 1 for 0.1 CPD credits.

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