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Cathodic protection data

Cathodic Protection engineer, Neil Webb, brings his experience and expertise on the importance of understanding potential measurements on your CP system. From negatives to unit conversions, Neil discusses the tips and tricks for accurately measuring and interpreting the potential of your system. Validated for 0.3 CPD Credits ECSA, IPET16/WB/1026/34. Validated 0.3 CPD credits SANASP 2024-0820-002962.


How do Publicly-funded Institutions ….

How do research, development and innovation (RDI) in public sector institutions contribute to sustainable socio-economic growth in South Africa (SA)? 
Validated for 1.1 CPD credits - ECSA: IPET0/WB/1026/36 - SACNASP: 2023-0643-002832


 Pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence (Panel Discussion)

Panel Discussion on the Pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence - follow up on the previous programme.
Validated for 0.2 CPD credits ECSA; IPET0/WB/0926/33 SACNASP; 2023-0643-002779


Transitions in South Africa’s Energy Provision

There are multiple problems related to the energy crisis including shedding of jobs, crime, maintenance of infrastructure and impacts on the economy. What should be done?
Validated for 0.8 CPD Credits; ECSA (IPET0/WB/0826/30) SACNASP (2023-0643-002743)


SACPCMP – Registration Process

This is an interactive workshop on the registration process with the SACPCMP.
Presented by: Steve Leach (Project Manager & Director at SiVEST).


Understanding Concrete

*Manufacture of Cement, *Physical deformation of Concrete, *Chemical deformation of Concrete, *Problems with Ready Mixed Concrete, *Problems with Concrete Construction
Validated for 1 CPD credit in category 1. ECSA and SACNASP (IPET0/WB/0926/32 / 2023-0820-002670)


Role of government in protecting the construction sector.

The "construction mafia" invades, intimidates, and disrupts the delivery of projects.
Validated for 0.1 CPD credit in category 1. ECSA.
Validation number: IPET0/WB/0726/29


Pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence 

The key question is: How do we prevent AI technologies from taking away human agency, put AI to good use and mitigate the possible harmful impact of these technologies?
Validated for 0.8 CPD Credits. ECSA: IPET0/WB/0526/27 - SACNASP: 2023-0643-002642


 Generic Environmental Management Programme

Technical document, Generic Environmental Management Programme for Development Projects within the Atlantis Urban Area. Validated for 0.1 CPD credit in Category 1.
ECSA: IPET0/TP/0626/26. SACNASP 2023-0820-002666


CPD Validation Process ECSA

If you ever wondered how the full CPD validation process works, then look no further.
From beginning to end, Licence bodies, service providers and the validation of CPD material.


Qualification vs Industry Needs

This presentation is fundamental for all HR staff and management. You need to know what the new Engineering qualifications looks like, the NQF framework and more importantly how does this effect the industry. Is it a "mission impossible?" Validated for 01. CPD credit (ECSA) Validation number: IPET0/WB/0526/25)


The complete solution for structural engineers. (CYPE)

This webinar takes you through the CYPE Structures Software.
Introduction and how to use the software, webinar.
Validated for 0.1 CPD credit in Category 1.
Validation No: IPET0/0526/24



Podcast recording on the Standard forms of Contracts.
A comparison between the JBCC, NEC, FIDIC and GCC
Validated for 1.5 CPD Credits. ECSA
Validation Number: IPET1/CR/1025/4


7 Points for Effective Conflict Resolution

This is a Presentation on the 7 points that will help you to manage and even avoid conflict. The presentation is done by Dr. Panos Lazanas. The programme is validated for 0.1 CPD credit in category 1. Validation No. IPET0/PT/0426/22. ECSA.


 Demand Response Eskom

Presentation on Eskom's Demand Response. Topic covered; Demand Response products, Virtual Power Station, Reserves deployment order, Instantaneous Demand Response, Supplemental Demand Response. Validated for 0.1 CPD credits in category 1. Validation number; IPET0/PT/0426/21.


Hidden Forces Behind Human Behaviour in Engineering Environments

This presentation captures the forces at work when dealing with conflict, stress, pressure and being conscious of the self and the environment. Validated for 0.1 CPD credit in Category 1. Validation number: IPET0/PT/0426/20


Engineering Insights, Dams and Water in SA

This video is a discussion on the dams and water situation in South Africa. We look at the current status, water losses, pollution and the water supply crisis that we are facing. Presented by Peter Townshend. Validated for 0.1 CPD credits in category 1. Validation number: IPET0/WB/0326/10


The Candidate Phase – 11 Outcomes, The series.

The 11 Outcomes and levels of competency explained in full.
The series of presentations goes into the detail of all the outcomes.
This includes ECSA's competencies, range statements, indicators advice and how to translate the outcomes to your TER's.


Conflict Resolution 

InQ: A person's ability to become aware of and to report on their internal subconscious experiences.
"There is no opinion or point of view that can be “right” without a context". The series of recordings.
The programmes will be added as they become available.


How to Start your own Consulting firm

How to start your own business. Company owners share their advice, we look at marketing and accounting. The full structure. Validated for 0.5 CPD credits. Category 1, ECSA


Application of the Constrained Least Squares Spectral Analysis.

Application of the Constrained Least Squares Spectral Analysis (CLSSA) as a Spectral Decomposition Technique in E-BD Oil Field within Bredasdorp Basin, Offshore South Africa.
Category 3B.


Rock Property Prediction From Model-Based Inversion

Rock Property Prediction From Model Based Inversion
F A gas Field Bredasdorp Basin Offshore South Africa
Category 3B.


Contract Talks, Podcast Series (MP3)

This is a subscription to 10 podcasts. Each topic is about 1 hour long, validated for 1 CPD in total.
Validation No: IPET0//1122/6


Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Presentation

Upstream Oil and Gas Industry.
Category 3B activity.

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